onsdag 4. mars 2009


Hi my name is Paul and I am 17 years old.
I and my family moved to mars for a week ago, and I am very happy with the place.
That’s because here in mars there are no war, no hunger and the climate problem we had on earth, we don’t have on mars and the reason for that is that we have newer and better technology. There is no war but there are still some bad peoples and there will always be some bad people wherever you travel.
Here on mars there are not only human beings, but people from other civilizations to.
That’s where the technology came from, the other civilizations.
But there still is people who lives on earth and tries to solve the problems we had on earth, but it is just getting worse and worse.
The only thing that’s better on earth is the nature, but it’s getting better and better, again because of the technology from the other civilizations.
So I think I will live here for the rest of my life and not travel back to earth.